As you browse programs, be sure to consider the following:

  • Academics - Does the program offer classes you need to graduate? Are there courses you are interested in?
  • Cost - What does the program include? Program costs vary as different programs include different expenses. The cheapest program could cost more than others by the time you add in all expenses. 
  • Requirements - Do you meet the requirements of the program? Is a language required?
  • Location - Are you interested in the location of the program? Consider how urban you want your experience to be.
  • Structure - How structured is the program? Does the program schedule most of your time? If so, is that the experience you want?
  • General Feel - Does the description of the program make you excited to study abroad? Do the extras (day trips, field trips, etc) match your interests?

Any of the programs you find through our partners have been screened for safety, quality, and academic integrity. There is no wrong choice! 

Georgetown College works closely with the following study abroad partners:

Consortia for Students/Faculty from Kentucky and Surrounding Region

Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA)

Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS)

Other Affiliated Partners

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

International Studies Abroad (ISA)

University Studies Abroad Consortia (USAC)

Veritas Christian Study Abroad

Note: For student safety, students are not permitted to study abroad in countries with a level 3 or 4 travel advisory level per the US Department of State's official listing

Summer programs vary in length, cost, and the amount of academic credit that can be earned. They offer a great deal of flexibility for students needing to balance academics, athletics, and/or studying abroad. Limited scholarships and funding are available for summer programs which means students should expect to cover most of the cost for the program. 

Visit our partner websites to view summer programs:

Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA)

Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS)

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

International Studies Abroad (ISA)

University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC)

Veritas Christian Study Abroad

Winter programs typically depart on December 26 and return just before the start of the spring semester. They offer a great deal of flexibility for students needing to balance academics, athletics, and/or studying abroad. Scholarships and funding are very limited for winter programs which means students should expect to cover most, if not all, of the cost for the program. 

GC students may participate in winter programs with the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA) or the Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS). Be sure to check the Study Abroad home page for featured winter programs with GC faculty.

Note that while our affiliated partners offer January term (J-Term) programs, these programs do NOT typically align with our academic calendar. GC students usually may not participate in these programs. 

Studying abroad for a full semester or academic year gives you the most opportunity to experience another culture and allows you to maximize funding opportunities. While careful and advanced planning is required, most students interested in spending a semester abroad are able to do so while staying on track to graduate on their desired timeline. 

Since federal and state financial aid can typically be used for a semester abroad, there is usually less out of pocket cost to the student. In addition, several scholarships are available to help offset costs. 

Start exploring your options for a semester abroad by visiting the websites below. You may want to browse by academic area, destination, or term.

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

International Studies Abroad (ISA)

University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC)

Veritas Christian Study Abroad

Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS) - Limited Semester Options